Best practices to boost student satisfaction

9th November 2021

14:30 GMT (London time)
15:30 CET (Amsterdam time) 

About the Session

Student satisfaction may be one of the most significant drivers in student recruitment, and yet, one of the most commonly overlooked. The Global Student Satisfaction Awards recently recognised the work of universities leading the way in student satisfaction worldwide. 


On our past webinar featuring the University winners of the Global Student Satisfaction Awards we discussed: 

·       The most critical drivers of student satisfaction 
·       Best-practice approaches for a leading student experience 

·       Practical steps for universities looking to improve student centricity  
·       The impact of the pandemic and how to mitigate its impact on student experience

Watch the recording for more in-depth insights. 



Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni
Pro-Rector for education and students’ experience,

Università della Svizzera italiana 


Prof. Thomas Strothotte
Ph.D., MBA
Kühne Logistics University

Martin Hookham-Simms photo 2020-modified

Martin Hookham-Simms

Head of International Office,

 University of Sussex


Dr. Carmen Neghina

Senior Marketing Analytics Consultant,



David Dixon

Academic Director at University of Essex | Online 

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