
Den Tserkovnyi

Lead UX designer

Starting at Studyportals in February 2014, Den tried to combine multiple roles and responsibilities, such as UX designer, scrum master, and product owner. Finally, he chose Lead UX designer in the beginning of 2016. It was great to see the engineering department grow exponentially in these years, and contributing to scrum implementation, hiring an amazing team of designers and making UX processes more agile were Den’s biggest challenges, so far.

He was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, but from 2012 he lives in sunny Eindhoven. His strongest skills are curiosity and love for challenges. Because of that, he started working as the interaction designer and front-end developer while doing his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Multimedia Technologies. After, he decided to travel to The Netherlands and study more which resulted in obtaining a PDEng (Professional Doctorate in Engineering) degree in User System Interaction from Eindhoven University of Technology.

My Sessions

User research for digital products: whys, whats and hows